
Monday, February 16, 2009


I can currently be found on Twitter.  I don't know how you can find me on Twitter, but I trust you to use your initiative if you can be bothered.

I very vaguely understand what it's about, but it may take several years to gain any real insight into it.  

I mean, I used to listen to Jimmy Savile's Old Record Club for years and years and eventually got the hang of it, although it would have seemed completely incomprehensible to the outsider.  All that stuff along the lines of "Graham Archive!  Graham Archive!  Now then!  We shalt with the carry on!  As it so 'appens it was number eight and I just got two million points from you lot because it was the one and only THE FOUR TOPS you see!"  

Well ... Twitter can't be any more incomprehensible than that, can it?

There's always the chance that I will make a spontaneous, off the cuff remark that will upset people. After all, I'm not vetting myself in the same way that I do when blogging.  So ... it might be worth checking out just for that ... er, if you can find me.

I won't be abandoning blogging though.  This is where I'll still post all the thoughtful, sensitive, award winning stuff about my beautiful children and my uncle's gruesome illness as usual, to the complete indifference of the blogosphere.

UPDATE:  I think I've cracked it.  You can find me here, probably.  Yawn.

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I'm doing it too!!
I only just learned how today. Now I'm following you (unless you block me). I don't realy get it yet, but as you can see I'm very excited by it's possibilities...whatever they are...
Oh lord. Is it like myspace, only on the phone?
Twatter is a bridge to far for me. I may not be a Luddite but enough is enough.
Am on twitter but much prefer blogging. I thought my life was taken over enough by facebook and blog combined - some people literally seem to spend their whole time twittering or tweeting or whatever it is. Sounds dangerous to me.

Also, no matter what I write, the 140-character limit always makes me sound like a bitch. Or incredibly dim....

Yes, it's definitely the character limit to blame.....
Beth - now, why would I block you m'dear? I'm alive with the dizzying possibilities of it too, but by Wednesday I'll probably be burned out and will have a nervous breakdown.

Arabella - I use the laptop. I can't do anything on the phone because I only have a 1972 Trimphone. Could I have it customised and updated?

Garfer - I'm, er trying to destroy it from within. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Fathorse - I quite like the 140 character limit and the way it makes me sound like a bitch. I'm already quite dim, so it has to be an improvement on the blog. I'm hoping that the novelty of it will have worn off by the end of the week. At the moment I'm at the pyschotic stage, but I'm sure I'll calm down. I didn't get involved with Facebook or MySpace so it's all a bit out of character for me.
Sounds perfect for a person like me with Attention Deficit Disorder.
I'll get round to it one day.
wtf is twitter? i went and had a look and it seems like it's a bunch of people writing bollocks. Is that correct?
I'm frequently twatted. Oh no wait..
Wait a moment. Davina McCall is on that too. Do we want to be a part of this??
Oh, you're all over there, are you?

I feel lonely, and abandoned.

Kaz - having to set the bloody thing up is enough to put anyone off if they've got a short attention span. I was ranting at the computer.

Tom - "a bunch of people writing bollocks" - that's exactly what I like about it! I'm writing more bollocks than anyone else, too.

MJ - it's probably not the sort of thing that Canadians would do, no.

Boz - Davina? Ugh. Mind you, as Rockmother said, Jon Ronson Twitters. It shouldn't put you off. After all, Hitler was a politician, but it doesn't mean that people shouldn't become politicians ( ... er, come to think of it ... )

Annie - it's lonely on Twitter most of the time. I haven't had many replies :( Really, it feels a bit like shouting at traffic. Oh, by the way, I made reference to one of the commenters on one of your posts in Twitter (although I didn't name and shame them. Discretion is the best part of wotsit).
I have no f*cking idea why I Twitter? At first I thought that I was missing the next wave...NOT!

Twit is sort of like Kraft afterthought helper..I mean 140 characters wtf is that? I can't unload all the crap in my noggin in that threadbare amount of space.

I know that some refer to it as "microblogging", but I think that it was set up for folks who couldn't be bothered to post on their Blog or respond to the zillions of applications that well intentioned acquaintances forward to you on Facebook.

See, I can't even comment in 140!
I'm hopeless!
I'm finding 140 characters is a bit much for what I've got to say.

Also - what's the etiquette if you know a couple and they're both twits and you want to follow him but not her because she's quite scary and rants a bit, but if you do that she'll know about it and will probably think you fancy him? Which you might do a tiny bit. But she is scary.

[This is definitely not you and geoff][Not that you aren't a bit scary. Or that I might not fancy geoff]
erm...so...no reason at all why you would block me.
A 1972 Trimphone. Wonderful! Esther Rantzen will be back on telly at this rate.
Donn - I usually just about fit into the 140 characters mark. I just put random rubbish on there. It's all pretty meaningless. Strange thing is, I've not signed up to Facebook or MySpace and find Twitter quite anonymous, and you don't have to commit yourself to anything, which is quite appealing. Anyway, whereas your brain is full of interesting stuff and you therefore need the space of a blog to write it all down, my brain is full of sawdust, so Twitter suits me down to the ground.

Beth - oh blimey, what a quandary. It sounds like a plot from a 1970's sitcom, but with the cyber age thrown into it. I honestly don't know what the etiquette would be, but it seems that people don't communicate with each other too much on Twitter, so if you do follow them both I can't see there being a problem. Geoff has just said that I'm "not at all scary".

Rog - No! No Esther Rantzen! I don't want The Liver Birds back on telly either, or Love Thy Neighbour!
It's a twitcom!

How we laughed.
I'm usually the last to get into these things... by the time I dip my toe in the water you'll all be moving on to something else.....oh....
Beth - ... whereas My Family is a shitcom. Boom boom.

Scarlet - I'm never at the forefront of anything to do with technology. I don't know why I'm Twittering really. I've just been dragged along with the other sheep :(

(Word verification: trite. Wonderful.)
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