
Saturday, October 18, 2008


RIP, the phenomenal Levi Stubbs.  The Four Tops are probably the least fashionable or acclaimed of the '60's Motown acts, but they're the ones I love the most.

Apologies for the not particularly good YouTube clip.  It's difficult to find early Four Tops footage on YouTube, even though I seem to remember them being on TV all the time when I was a little kid.  

I would've loved to put the peerless Bernadette on here instead, as it's probably among my favourite ten singles of all time, if I could be bothered to compile such a list.  Oh!  The melodrama, the disembodied, ghostly backing vocals and ... just ... Levi Stubbs really.



Thanks for this.

The Four Tops are on frequent rotation in the Infomaniac household along with other Motown greats.
Levi Stubbs 12 Fifty Cents 3
Simultaneous posting? Could be.
Always my favourite Motown act too. I was driving and listening to Gladys Knight the other day and thinking: if the Pips are flutes, the Tops are always heart strings to me.
Soul sister.
MJ - yes, you can always rely on Motown when everything else lets you down.

Murph - my mother in law calls him Fifty Per Cent y'know.

Arabella - pretty much simultaneous, yes ... but your post is so much better, as is your YouTube clip. I can't write about music. Still - keep the faith.
....This from the woman who breathed life into Rodney Bickerstaffe.
Arabella - well, I literally breathed life into him when he choked on a sandwich he was eating and passed out on a train going to a TUC branch meeting. I gave him the kiss of life. That work First Aiders certificate came in handy for once.
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