
Sunday, July 29, 2007


Local weather report at 11:00 hrs GMT.

"I'll go to Brierley Hill. It's black over Bill's mother's."


You mean o'er Bill's mothers.
Don't get posh wi me.
To quote a past bygone popular pop combo:

"It's grim up North'

(I love that song - and the video)
Kaz - as I heard it from my mum, it was "black ovah Bill's muther's". I thought it was just a West Midlands expression but I suppose it could've first been uttered by some miserable headscarf wearing old woman on the Yorkshire Moors!

Rockmother - it's even more grim down south though! It's a pity there aren't more, er, "maverick" characters like Bill Drummond around nowadays.
Did yow coom down ba boos?
Murph - yow weht fuh wun furran aewah, then throy coom alung at woonce!
This is particularly true with the too-faewer-sevin frum Staewabridge. AND yo cor get chaenge frum the droiver oither.

God it's exhausting coming from here. I love it but it dun arf mek yer face ache.
No, you've all lost me totally.

My favourite weather word is "parky" which is defined as the temperature when old people think it's too cold to walk around outside and hang out in teashops.

Just ask Alan Bennett, he knows about such things.
Arabella - fehss airkk? Doh the doctor call that newralljah? Yowm best of tekkin soom Paracetemol fer that.

Billy - ahem, I'm not surprised. The post title is a West Midlands delicacy. The post is an amalgamation of my mother's two favourite sayings. "I'll go to Brierley Hill" was supposed to be a polite way of saying "I'll go to bloody hell" and "it's black over Bill's mothers" used to puzzle me, because we lived next door to a bloke called Bill and I assumed she was referring to his mum! Once I plucked up the courage to ask her where Bill's mum lived and she said "... you stupid girl". As for the stuff in the comments box - it's just incomprehensible W. Midlands jibberish, which may be the way forward for this blog.
Oy, bab, tay West Midlunds gibberish, it's Black Coontry gibberish, an' do yow fergerrit.
I thought I was the only person in the world who still said "It's black over Bill's mothers"? Good to know there is at least something in which I am not alone.
Tara a bit.
P.S. Gray pays are piggin' awful! You have to soak them forever and a day and then they just taste like cat sick (not that I've ever....).
The Urban Dictionary has it that "black over Bill's mother's" roughly translates as -
It will rain shortly, expect rain in the next 20 minutes or so.
Q. Shall we have a picnic Ginger? A. No Sedgewick, it's black over bills mothers house.

: )
Reg - well, I'm from Staffordshire and my mum used to tell me that it was black over Bill's mother's, which is why I said it's West Midlands gibberish rather than Black Country gibberish. Really Black Country residents can get very er, touchy about where the *real* Black Country is. Grey pays though ... it's not exactly up to the standards of Italian food, is it?

Bye Bye Bellulah - "oh, I say! Look at those fraightful cliyds! It's bleck over Bill's mother's hayse! We''l have to ceyncel the picnic - what a crashing bore!"
Touchy? More to the point, why is everyone so arsey these days?
More to the point, having read my comment back it seems to be complete gibberish ... "Really Black Country residents can be very, er "touchy"? I think I meant to say "Real Black Country residents" ... there are some people from the Black Country who would have your guts for garters if you suggested that the Black Country was anything more than a few square feet just outside Tipton ... then there are Londoners, who think that the Black Country is everywhere from Warwick to Sheffield (probably including Wales and East Anglia for good measure).

I'll have to go. I'm going to be dragged off by the Gibberish Police.
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